Do you honestly believe that labour can do better in Scotland? Ballie and Sarwar doubling down on Tory austerity? Where is their prospectus for Scotland? They don't have one, it's just a return to Things can only get better.

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A Scottish Labour government in Holyrood wouldn't persist with the SNP's vicious austerity agenda vis-a-vis local government. £1bn of non-ring fenced funds have been slashed from our councils over the last decade, something a future Labour government wouldn't persist with (and likely seek to reverse). Further, the SNP's constitutional obsessions have resulted in a diminishing of FDI (investors unwilling to invest given the uncertainties). That goes away with Labour as the danger of independence would be firmly off the table.

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Services are in decline UK wide Dean. LA settlements in Scotland and more generous than south of the border, I can provide numbers if you are not convinced. Public sector salaries are greater than south of the border, again, I have the numbers. Labour have made no commitments to increasing the tax take. Not even to align with the Scotgov, whose tax rises have helped maintain LA spending. Lastly there is zero evidence that an independence discussion (that is all that it is) has resulted in diminishing FDI... unlike Brexit, which labour now supports.

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Who cares if Labour can do better.

The snp have failed Scotland and they have done for years. They are only interested in indy and the minority who want it. They aren't interested in, or capable of, anything else.

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I care and most people who live in Scotland will also care.. Under a labour administration, it is very possible that there will be an erosion of the relatively high spend on services and Public sector pay that we currently enjoy in Scotland.

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I also live in Scotland. I see no benefits of this "high spend" on services and public sector pay.

So much so that I took very early retirement rather than continuing to pay a far higher tax rate than my rUK contemporaries.

The snp are done. They've existed for 90 years with their sole purpose of destroying the UK. They've had 17 years in power and they've still failed to achieve their sole purpose.

They're an embarrassing failure.

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Allowing for your particular brand of toxic unionism..Ask yourself this question. Will reducing LA spending improve services?

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Allowing for your particular brand of toxic separatism...Ask yourself this question.

How many potholes have you battered through this week?

How many closed libraries have you passed?

How many empty cycle lanes have you seen?

The snp had 17 years to improve Scotland, but we're in a far worse place than we've ever been.

It's time for someone else to run Holyrood

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

You are not answering my Q. If the labour party are committed to spend less.. how can the situation improve? The people who run the councils will largely be the same. How will giving them less money help??? If labour were promising to actually invest in services... They would get my vote.

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