Dean M Thomson
Dean's Discussions
Dean's Discussions | Free Audio

Dean's Discussions | Free Audio

Episode 1: post-truth politics

This episode of ‘Dean’s Discussions’ explores Scotland’s baffling ‘don’t look up’ political culture. Aiming to understand how we ended up with a post-truth politics where sentiments such as ‘my values can trump your facts’ is accepted without pushback.

Seeking to have nuanced, adult conversations with fascinating people, this episode covers diverse and varied ground. The topics discussed this time include the dual impacts of the Scottish independence debate, brexit referendum and also addresses a looming Gender Recognition Act reform.

All guests participate assuming honest intent on each other’s part. And seeks to have sincere discussion concerning difficult topics. As G.K Chesterton once wrote, “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly”, and this is the benchmark we aspire to reach, exploring issues of post-truth politics and clashing rights in a liberal democracy.

The guests in this episode are:

Ian Davidson

Former Scottish Labour and Cooperative Party MP for Glasgow South West (formerly Glasgow Pollock) 1992-2015. Ian was chair of the Scottish Affairs Committee in the House of Commons from 2010-2015, a longstanding eurosceptic he supported brexit. He is also a supporter of Republic, which campaigns to replace the British monarchy with an elected head of state.

Susan Dalgety

A Scotsman journalist, author of ‘The Spirit of Malawi’, she was Chief Press Officer to Jack McConnell when First Minister. Susan was also an Edinburgh City Councillor and deputy leader. She is active in the ‘Women Won’t Wheesht’ campaign seeking to protect the sex based rights of women.

She can be found on twitter @DalgetySusan

Brian Monteith

A Scotsman journalist, he has also contributed to CityAM and the Evening News. A former MSP and MEP, for the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party and Brexit Party respectively. Brian is also Editor of Think Scotland.

He can be found on twitter @TheBluetrot

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Dean M Thomson
Dean's Discussions
Engaging discussions about Scottish and Glaswegian politics with fascinating people, featuring journalists, writers, politicians and commentators.
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Dean M Thomson